EH Bildu de Getxo has denounced that the Spanish Army's warship Mendez-Nuñez will catch this weekend in Getxo in order to "apologize for the war". In this regard, the Abertzale coalition wanted to state that they do not support such warships: "These boats are the cause and image of war, death, injustice and misery. At Getxo we do not want a military exhibition of the Spanish army and we will express it in the institutions and on the street".
In the face of this situation, EH Bildu will organize initiatives in the institutions and on the street. As for the City of Getxo, it has asked the Municipal Government to meet the board of spokespersons to adopt an institutional declaration against the visit of the warship. In addition, it will ask the City Hall to contact the Ministry of Defense of the Government of Spain to “state that we do not want such a visit and avoid further visits in the future”.