This weekend the Literature is held in Zarautz
  • From this Friday to Sunday the 10th edition of Literature is held in Zarautz. The main tent will open in the Old Law Square, where about fifteen books will be presented. On the occasion of the creation of the Squares of the Basque Country Doinuele have announced that this year will be special.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko maiatzaren 04a
Literaturiaren iazko une bat. (Argazkia: @iPatxi)

There will be other activities such as round tables or cultural events. On May 5 at 20:00 the writer Jon Benito will start this edition with the manifesto. Then, Aner Euzkitze, Leire Vargas, Oihana Arana and Haizea Arana will offer the latest banquet show in the Model room. Entry costs EUR 8.

The fair will open on Saturday in the Plaza de las Derecho Antigua and the Karrikiri association of Pamplona will be recognized for its work in favor of Basque literature and culture for years.

At 12:30, in the Model Room, the projection of the chronicles of Erretene will take place by the hand of Lanartea, Association of Basque Professionals, followed by a round table with Amagoia Gurrutxaga, Koldo Izagirre, Eneritz Artetxe and Ainara Azpiazu Axpi, who will talk about the struggles of the association.

At 18:00 Ane García and Eider Pérez will offer a Hitz esana poetic performance in the Model room. And at 20:00, performance by the musical group Kalakan.

For the youngest, on Saturday at 11:00, in the Etxezabala Hall, the musical storyteller "The Secrets of the Forest" will be held by Amaia Elizagoien and Irati Celestino.

On Sunday at 11:00 a.m. the musical recital of the book Mare from the 1545 editorial will take place in the Modelo room. The concert will be directed by Jon Martin and will involve six young students from Zarautz, Ana Galarraga, Udane Juaristiz and Iñigo Martínez, accompanied by the music Idoia Asurmendi.

At 12:30 hours, under the title "Curves and paths in conversation", Itziar Ugarte, Uxue Apaolaza and Ines Osinaga will join the round table.

These are available in or in the news in which we present this edition if you want more detailed information.