This weekend the card is disputed to participate in the Bertsolaris Championship of Navarra
  • A total of 18 bertsolaris will participate in the three campgrounds to be held in Igantzi, Puente la Reina and Irurita. Of these, twelve will win the pass to participate in the championship to be held on 2 October. @bertsozale 2021eko ekainaren 15
2019ko aurrekanporaketako saio bat, Irunberrin. Argazkia: Bertsozale.

On 2 October the Bertsolaris Championship of Navarra 2021 starts, which will last until 27 November. Previously, in June, three pre-selection sessions will be held, with the aim of completing the list of bertsolaris participating in the championship. On 18 June they will be held in Igantzi, on 19 in Puente la Reina and on 20 in Irurita.

According to the rules of the championship, only the bertsolaris who participated in the last edition (the 2019 edition) are guaranteed the pass to the competition. Those who have not participated in the championship, or participated in any edition prior to 2019, will have to play a pre-qualifying stage. The tests are completed with the last four qualifiers of the championship. Thus, there are 12 bertsolaris who are already ranked for the championship that will start in October, and 18 who will contest the previous qualifiers. Twelve of the latter will win the qualifying pass, so the championship will start in October with a total of 24 bertsolaris.

Pre-evaluation sessions will be conducted in compliance with all current health and capacity measures. In the portal you can get entries for all of them: EUR 5 current, EUR 4 for members and EUR 3 for those under 16 years of age. These are the details of the three sessions to be held at the Main Theatre in Vitoria-Gasteiz.


IGANTZI. Baratzondo. Friday, June 18, 19:00h

Idoia Granizo Uribarrena

Urko Gartzia in German

Sahats Aleman Sadaba

Etxahun Azkarraga Fernández

Endika Legarra in Nui

Aitor Irastortza Arrizurieta

Agent: Maialen Belarra Enterreaga

PUENTE LA Fronton. Saturday, June 19 at 17:30

Jabi Lezaun Landa

Erika Lagoma Pombar

Patxi Castillo Graciarena

Ainara Ieregi Aramburu

Mikel Lasarte Cia

Mintxo Astiz Goñi

Agent: Ainhoa Larretxea Agirre

IRURITA. Civic Center. 20 June, Sunday, at 17:30

Egoitz Gorosterrazu Elizagoyen

Xabier Silveria Etxeberria

Aitor Almandoz Elizalde

Ekhiñe Zapiain Arlegi

Ekain Alegre Gil

Oier Lakuntza Irigoien

Agent: Ander Aranburu Arriola