Since Friday at least 55 people have died and more than 2,370 have been rescued on the migratory route of the Canary Islands
  • On Monday afternoon, at least 478 people have been rescued in the waters of the Canary Islands and this weekend at least 1,893 people have been served by lifeboats. At least 48 people have died three weeks ago after fleeing Mauritania from skates in which there was not enough food or hydration, and the rest of the migrants have explained that they had to be thrown into the water.
Julene Flamarique 2024ko azaroaren 05
Itsas Salbamendua migratzaileak erreskatatzen Cadizen Europa Press

During the first three days of November, 55 people died on the migratory route to the Canary Islands. In recent days, Salvamento Marítima has rescued some 2,370 people in Atlantic waters, especially in the area of Lanzarote and El Hierro.

On Saturday, 370 kilometers south of El Hierro, merchant Patria located a patera adrift and communicated it to Salvamento Marítima. On the journey of those returning from Mauritania, 48 people died and their bodies were thrown into the sea, as the survivors reported, who were rescued alive.

On Sunday, another air vessel sank about 90 kilometres north-east of Lanzarote, and Salvamento Marítima has managed to rescue five bodies that have been buried. Another 17 passengers on the same boat have survived the wreck of a raft launched by a rescue aircraft that has been involved in the accident. In the same rescue, about 80 people have been served by a air boat near the site of their first shipwreck.

For three days, Marine Rescue has mobilized both the air crew and the crews of seven boats on board. According to their provisional data, of the migrants rescued this weekend, 69 are minors. During the afternoon of Monday, another 478 people have been rescued in the Canary Islands.