Start a week of strike in the religious schools of Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa
  • In three out of five days demonstrations will be held in the three capitals. ELA says the follow-up was 70% on the first day.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko abenduaren 11
Gasteizen, eguerdian eginiko protestako irudia. ELA

To demand the new convention, from Monday to Friday, workers from the religious schools of Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa will strike. Convened by the trade unions ELA, Steilas, CCOO, LAB and UGT. Negotiations with employers Kristau Eskola and IZEA began a year and a half ago, but they denounce the "lack of will". That is why they also met with the Basque Government’s Department of Education, but they were not enough either.

On Monday, pickets were made in the morning and at noon the marches began in the three capitals. The next two quotations that will be held jointly will be on Wednesday and Friday in Bilbao.

Department of Education: "Negotiation is the way, not the strike"

Counselor Jokin Bildarratz, in an interview held in the Basque Country Irratia, has asked for an agreement "as soon as possible" in the concerted religious centers. He pointed out that the strike could have "very negative" consequences for students and suggested that this is an issue that needs to be resolved between employers and unions and that the government has a "small" framework for participation. Calls for "fair" and "discreet" negotiations to reject the strike option.