During the week, nine political prisoners have been transferred and three other prisoners have been brought together.
  • The Spanish Penitentiary Institutions have announced the rapprochement of Fernando Elejalde, GARIKOITZ Etxeberria and Iñigo Vallejo to prisons closer to Euskal Herria.
Xabier Letona Biteri @xletona 2021eko apirilaren 09a
Presoen eskubideen zanpaketaren ikur izan den Herrera de la Manchako espetxea aste honetan geratu da euskal preso politikorik gabe.

Fernando Elejalde will be transferred from Puerto I to Mansilla (León). Thus, Puerto I prison, one of the blackest prisons since the beginning of the dispersion, will be left without Basque political prisoners. In Puerto III, there are still nine. The Herrera de la Mancha prison remains without a Basque prisoner this week, according to the Basque Department. GARIKOITZ Etxeberria has been transferred from Sevilla to Dueñas (Palencia), to be expelled on the first day. Y Iñigo Vallejo Franco de Dueñas a Dueso (Cantabria).

The association of family members of prisoners, ETXERAT, has reported that there are seventeen seriously ill prisoners and has called for their release to receive adequate treatment for those diseases that they are not now guaranteed.

Most prisoners are already in grade 2

According to ETXERAT on its website, eight prisoners of eta, including Josu Urrutia, have been transferred this week. The Gasteiztarra prisoner Juan Carlos Subijana Izquierdo has been transferred from Leon prison (370 km) to Basauri prison; the Pamplona prison Josune Arriaga Martínez from Topas prison (460 km) to Pamplona prison. Urretxuarra Ainhoa Barbarin Iurrebaso has reached Zaballa prison from Picassent prison (600 km); Basauri Zigor Orbe Sevillano prison from Puerto III prison (1,020 km) to Zaballa prison; Gasteiztarzabariza prison Unai López de Okca

According to data produced by Berria, there are still 217 Basque political prisoners, 117 of 2018 have been brought to prisons in the Basque Country, and there are 31 prisoners in Euskadi prisons. Another fact has also changed for the better, although in practice all Basque prisoners have been in grade 1, the hardest of all, now there are 57 prisoners in that grade.