Barbarities in the mouth of Trump and others, jail in the lives of women
Lidia Ruiz Gómez Mugarik Gabe 2024ko irailaren 28a

A few weeks ago we heard Trump in the televised debate on the existence in his country of democratic states that authorize abortion after the birth of his son.

Judging by the character, it seems an absurd and improvised idea, but that same falsehood was heard in 2019 by Adolfo Suárez Illana, then number two of pp from Madrid, who assured in New York that "a law had just been passed to authorize abortion after birth."

Recently, in 2022, the Hungarian Government of Orban passed a decree obliging women who want to abort to hear the baby's heartbeat sooner. This proposal was also, closer to here, heard from a Vox Member in Castilla y León.

These short pills make us see that the extreme right, increasingly present in our societies, shares arguments against women’s rights and, above all, against the right to voluntary termination of pregnancy.

We hear them: some people share those ideas, others say "what barbarities they say" with their hands in their heads, others say that they are things that are old and overtaken, but, even though we are, we get very angry for many reasons. It seems that women’s human rights are not rights, and they are available to those who gain power, let us look at Argentina, Afghanistan, to name but a few places, because here it would not be possible to draw up a specific list. It seems that some rights can be erased by more votes. We get angry because we also know the impact of the violation of the right to abortion on the lives of many women.

This year, on I28 Day of Decriminalization and Legalization of Abortion, we are calling more strongly for justice for Beatriz and for other women who suffer any violation of human

The need to listen to the heartbeat of the uterus is the first step in many states that completely punish abortion. Those arguments that we hear over and over again become laws, who mainly affect? Poor women in those countries, who also end up in prison. Because it is clear that women who have economic resources will continue to abort and those who do not have those resources will do so or try, despite the high risk to their health and life.

These days, in El Salvador, as denounced by the Association for the Decriminalization of Abortion, we have known the imprisonment of a woman who suffered an obstetric emergency. For others prior to him, this amounted to more than 30 years in prison, as obstetric emergencies were sentenced for homicide.

Today we remember Beatriz, also Salvadoran. Their case is not the only one and shows what these policies entail in the lives of women. His case is being emblematic, in addition to demanding the right to abortion for all women, it has also become a symbol for demanding the reparation of those who have suffered the consequences of the violation of this right in their lives.

Beatriz had a first child and was operated on for several health problems, as she suffered a high-risk pregnancy. Years later she had another pregnancy and from the beginning she was diagnosed with malformations and that once she was born there was no life expectancy. The doctors agreed that it was necessary to interrupt the pregnancy, as Beatriz's state of health worsened every day.

Despite the medical opinion and international pressure, the Salvadoran State refused to authorize the procedure and forced Beatriz to continue her pregnancy. Finally, after the intervention of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the Salvadoran State was forced to perform a procedure of termination of pregnancy on June 3, 2013. ==Death==Beatriz died on October 8, 2017. His poor state of health aggravated the consequences of a traffic accident.

The case of Beatriz revealed to the world the serious effects of the total condemnation of abortion. Thus, in 2024, several organizations have brought the case of Beatriz to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, against the Salvadoran State. As they themselves say, "they want to honor Beatriz's memory, demand a comprehensive reparation of the damage to the family and measures so that they do not recur, to ensure that what Beatriz has lived is not obligated to live neither other girls nor women, nor to change the normative framework that it does against the lives of thousands of Salvadorans".

Together with them, we await a favorable ruling that modifies the restrictive laws of El Salvador and other American countries.

There are also other actions in Europe. Today, the "My Voice, My Choice" (My Voice, My Decision) movement has been set up as a European Citizens' Initiative for a safe and free abortion for all women, because we still find shortcomings in its acceptance and implementation.

This year, on I28 Day of Decriminalization and Legalization of Abortion, we are calling more strongly for justice for Beatriz and for other women who suffer any violation of human rights.

Lidia Ruiz Gómez, Mugarik Gabe