Assisi, the dog who spends the day in school with the students
  • Assisi dog receives every day all the students of the school, helps to adapt to the younger, participates in the English project and the older children take care of and walk. It is part of the pedagogical project in the Catalan school of Sabadell.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2024ko ekainaren 05
Assisi paseatu eta zaintzeaz, jaten emateaz, orrazteaz, albaitarira laguntzeaz… ikasleak eurak ere arduratzen dira.

The dog of the Golden Retriever breed is located at 8 a.m. in the school hall to dismiss ESO students and serves Children's and Primary children at 9 a.m. He has been in the Franciscan school of Sabadell for eight years, with about 500 students and about 40 teachers. He's one more at school and he's thrilled with the students: it's customary to pick up each other's hugs, when the dog enters the classroom unexpectedly, when the kids come to visit the secretarial room or play with him at rest. During the summer vacation, the center director says he receives a lot of letters from the students.

Assisi has several functions: In the adaptation of 3-year-old children, for example, the dog is the key; in the English subject, students walk to the dog while speaking English. Take a walk and take care, feed, comb, help the vet... also take care of the students themselves. This year, for the first time, will accompany the 4th ESO youth on their end of course trip to Mallorca.

The main objective of the project is to motivate students and learn to respect, care and love animals

Sleep in the school's cural house and the dog's expenses are included in the center's budget, as the educational community understands that it is within the pedagogical project.

The main objective of the project is to motivate students and learn to respect, care and love animals.

In the first picture, Assisi, a newborn, soon became one more of the school. In the rest, current images: