The eighteen anti-fascists arrested during the Vox event in Bilbao were released.
  • Six of them were minors, and were released as soon as they were arrested on Sunday. The remaining twelve have been released this Monday, as reported by the Basque Department of Security.
Igor Galarza Intxausti @IgorGalarza 2019ko urriaren 21
Vox-en mitinaren aurka agertu ziren antifaxistak, ertzainen aurrean

The twelve arrested on Sunday were released on condition that they were brought before the judge, as Naiz reported in a statement. The other six, minors, are already in the hands of their parents.

At a rally at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao of the ultra-right Vox party, the Ertzaintza charged hundreds of anti-fascists who were there. The disturbances occurred when the party’s secretary general, Javier Ortega Smith, expressed his intention to approach the people who went to the rally to protest. The time when he approached some people was as follows: