Prisoner Iñigo Gutierrez, Izadi's father, is at liberty
  • According to the Etxerat Association, Idoia Martínez and Xabier Agirre have obtained full freedom, since 2021 they were on probation.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko uztailaren 18a
Argazkia: Etxerat.

Algortano prisoner Iñigo Gutierrez Carrillo was released on 18 July, as confirmed by the Etxerat Association. Izadi's father and the Basque prisoner couple María Lizarraga have left Zaballa prison. The case of this family has been famous and campaigns have been carried out to claim their freedom. Izadi was three years old in February, so he was separated from his mother, exiled from prison. On that occasion, Gutierrez received the third grade, but when Izadi just turned three years old, shortly after leaving prison, he returned to prison on the order of the National Court, going back to the second grade, as a result of an appeal filed by the Public Prosecutor’s Office. This Monday he has been released with fourteen years of conviction.

Etxerat has also announced that political prisoners Idoia Martinez Garcia and Xabier Agirre Ibañez have been given full freedom. In fact, both were on parole, the first of October 2021 and the second of December 2021.