Asier Oiarzabal approaches from Lannemenburg to Martutene prison
  • Andoain's political prisoner is transferred from Lannemezán prison to Martutene. As the law states, she asks that she be translated into Basque Country until she fulfills the French conviction.
Mattin Azpiroz Pagola 2023ko urriaren 11
Etxerat elkartearen mobilizazioa // Argazkia: Etxerat

The Etxerat association has announced that andoaindarra Asier Oiarzabal Txapartegi has approached Martutene from Lannemezán prison, 330 kilometres away.

He has been in prison for 22 years and the association has determined that the transfer “as required by law” was carried out at the request of Oiarzabal: “He asks that Euskal Herria be brought to serve the French conviction.”