Asier Guridi has been on hunger strike for 22 days to demand legal personality
  • Political refugee Asier Guridi Zaloña began on 29 March a hunger strike before the Consulate of Spain in Caracas (Venezuela) to demand legal personality. The Spanish State has not recognised its identity and therefore has restricted access to fundamental rights.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko apirilaren 20a
Walter Martinez, Oscar Figuera eta beste hainbat lagun Guridirekin Caracasen

In December last year, Guridi again followed a hunger strike for the same reason and on 8 December he abandoned the strike by accepting the "refugee status" of the Venezuelan Government. But he does not recognize Venezuelan identity because he cannot present the Spanish passport. In a statement issued today by the media, the Spanish State "denies legal personality" and therefore has suspended its fundamental rights such as seeking employment, substituting and defending its 13-year-old son, feeding, voting, marriage and other simple procedures of daily life such as hiring the phone on his behalf.

On 29 March, he began an indefinite hunger strike to denounce the situation and call for a solution to the conflict. It turned 22 days on Wednesday. On social media, Guridi has also denounced that he has been persecuted several times during his presence in the Consulate. On the other hand, different personalities and agents from Euskal Herria and internationally have shown their solidarity with Guridi, killed by eta 30 years ago. Over the past few days, the Venezuelan reporter Walter Martínez, the secretary general of the Communist Party of Venezuela, Oscar Figuera, and the deputy of the National Assembly, among others, have attended the meeting.

"Unsuccessful" conditions to achieve the identity of Venezuela

On March 3, Guridi made a request to obtain Venezuelan nationality at the address of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela. But to do so they ask him for the Spanish passport and although he took steps to obtain the passport, the Spanish State refuses to do so. Similarly, the Spanish State does not grant any document or the Criminal and Judicial Background Document (DUE).

In addition, they claim payment of 25 petros (about EUR 1,267), which is too high a price for a person living without documentation since 2014. In addition, it is required to provide proof by a public employee that he/she has the legitimate livelihoods to be able to reside.

Documentation necessary to regularize the documentation of the child

The 13-year-old Basque Venezuelan son, who currently resides in the Basque Country, has denounced that he is in an irregular situation because his father is not "endowed with legal personality". Likewise, the sentimental partner of Guridi cannot demonstrate that there is a connection between them and she is in an irregular situation in the Basque Country.

"This is torture to you without a pause."

Asier Guridi Zaloña made the following statements in her Twitter account: "I do not expect anything good from the Spanish State, accustomed to torturing prisoners, to infringing prisoners' rights and to breaking their laws! I'm not Spanish because I don't feel Spanish. It is the Spanish State that occupies Euskal Herria and imposes its identity on us. I am obliged to go to the Spanish State to have legal personality and thus have the human rights that all people have. But the Spanish state uses the revenge of the administration, denying its identity and hindering access to rights. (...) There is no court ruling preventing me from giving the ID. The Spanish State denies me to make my life impossible. A white torture without interruption