Artedrama meetings organized in Aulesti
  • Artedrama, the Artedrama performing arts platform, will offer between 20 and 25 September various activities and workshops. All the information is available in the program and on the event website.
Iraitz Madariaga Etxebarria 2021eko ekainaren 23a
Argazkia: Artedrama Arte Eszenikoen Plataforma

Seven professors will offer workshops with the aim of “promoting debate, knowledge and exchange” among those involved in the performing arts of Euskal Herria. Ander Lipus, Olatz Gorrotxategi, Patricia Urrutia, Manex Fuchs, Ruth Gimera, Matxalen de Pedro and Igor de Cuadra participate in the program. In addition, some of the theatre works of some teachers will be open every night in the fronton of the town of Aulesti.


All activities will be in Basque and the attendees will have room to sleep and meals. The registration fee is EUR 450 and the registration period is open.