Derrumban gaztetxe de la rochapea
  • Since 2016, the industrial building that was abandoned in the neighborhood has been used as gaztetxe. La Caixa, the City Council of Pamplona and the company Juslaberri sued the youth and, by court order, the gaztetxe was evicted in early September by the National Police, which arrested six people and caused many injuries.
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The Gaztetxe de Errotxapea has spread the news on social networks and has called for "accumulating forces before vulture funds":

Gaztetxe was evicted in early September and on September 13 a mass demonstration was held, with the motto "no organization or space". The City Hall plans to build a home there.

In this video of Xaloa Telebista, you can see the manifestation:

To learn more about the eviction of the gaztetxe de la Rochapea, we published the news.

In the other case, the attitude of the National Police regarding the actions of detainees.