The Rosa network will hold this year’s meetings in Basaburua, with Esan Erran
  • The Radio Red Rosa celebrates for the first time in Navarra the day for free communication. On April 13 you have a date on the small radio Esan Erran, which has just turned a quarter century. "It is a meeting day for us, to get to know each other more and to reflect together. The rose is alive."
ARGIA @argia 2024ko apirilaren 02a
Esan Erran irratiko kideak.

The Rosa network, of which 26 members are members, holds its annual meetings. In these XI Days, the date is 11 a.m. at the Bar Apeztegiberri in Jauntsaras and after having coffee they will be divided into two groups. The last of the dials will be the première and colloquium of this documentary, which revolves around the 25 years of Esan Erran. The other group will receive a workshop on radio automation. Poteo, popular food and karaoke. To sign up for food you have to call or write 619 643 126 before April 10.

The radios of the Rosa network have been claiming for more than twenty years, “There is something to listen to in the Basque Country!” This network includes free radio stations, municipal radios, regional radios (of the country), national radios... "What all interiorizes us, but the Basque is. We are joined by the objectives of increasing and enhancing the presence of Euskera in our radio stations thanks to the collaboration", they point out. They emphasize that the Zebrabidea continues to produce a magazine (Monday to Friday afternoon), a magazine of general interest produced for the entire Basque Country, led by Ekhine Zapiain and Sara Iriarte.

Although the situation of the Basque country is different in the region, Esan Erran, since his childhood, has been working on the Euskaldunization of the linguistic landscape of the valley.

Di Erran

In 1998, Esan Erran was created, the small radio that a group of citizens would broadcast in Basque. The region of Esan Erran consists of seven municipalities: Imotz, Basaburua, Ultzama, Atetz, Odieta, Anue and Lantz. “Although the situation of the Basque Country is different throughout the region, Esan Erran, since his smallness, has been working for years in the Basque language landscape of the valley,” they stress.

In 2012, the Government of Navarra cut off subsidies, the only radio worker went to unemployment and considered it an attempt to silence the radio. Subsequently, a group of young people kept the emission performing weekly sessions. In 2013, without financial aid but with enthusiasm, emission tests began to be broadcast 24 hours and seven days a week by the end of the year.