"Donating clothes is not taking out trash."
  • Are you building clothing for the fall and want to take advantage of it to donate clothing for people in need? It's not worth everything, in garments we all deserve dignity. This has been said by the worker who has been picking up clothes for refugees.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2022ko irailaren 27a

“Total, it’s for the poor and if they’re cold, a suit is always welcome.” Following this philosophy, many donate any type of clothing: dirty, broken, of very poor quality, in regrettable conditions… “but people deserve respect”, recalls Pablo Sánchez. Sánchez works with refugees and has been cataloguing clothes for months.

He has criticized that donating is a way to get rid of the garbage that some don’t want at home, give what would never come, “because more and more people who don’t know what to do with the garbage decide to give the families who need it the most, as if they were willing to take anything.”

While there are some negative examples of what people donate (in the following images), Pablo Sánchez wanted to send a clear message: “The most vulnerable people need a little more quality in their lives.”