Citizens' Network
"The right to health of prisoners is in grave danger"
  • Joseba Azkarraga, Iñaki Lasagabaster and Ramón Zallo have written on behalf of Sare the account of the meetings held at the Congress of Deputies on 10 and 11 March. "The right to health is the right to life, it is also the right to freedom of prisoners. We just ask for the law to be enforced. To avoid dying in prison," they said on International Health Day.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko apirilaren 07a
Joseba Azkarraga Sareren agerraldi batean. Argazkia: EITB.

The article signed by Joseba Azkarraga, Iñaki Lasagabaster and Ramón Zallo in their entirety says:

"Those of us who signed this article went to speak with the groups of the Congress of Deputies on 10 and 11 March on behalf of SARE. The meetings were courteous and listened and listened to what we had to say. Through our message, we wanted to give them a warning about the emergency situation of Basque prisoners due to illness, distancing and change of grade. The seriousness of the situation had alarmed our interlocutors.

During these days, the pandemic was already spreading in Madrid, and the concept of “risk groups” began to become viral and older people were considered particularly vulnerable among these groups. For the people in prison have all the “cards”: old age, very serious illnesses, far from their relatives, information opacity… and now, a quarantine that has become a duplicate confinement.

In this week of World Health Day (7 April) we would like to recall this situation. The right to health is the right to life, even of prisoners. The penitentiary centre makes proper health treatment difficult and reduces the life expectancy of people with serious illnesses. In addition, the right to serve the sentence at home is violated under such conditions.

We just ask for the law to be enforced. To prevent death in prison. Keeping her in prison is contrary to the law, and is contrary to the law, because it is totally unfair, the cruelty of the state.

Claiming the universal and inalienable right to the health of prisoners is a collective responsibility; part of the self-care of healthy lein motiv during the pandemic, essential in a democratic society.

We want them alive and at home.