They need ramp for everyone at the pier of San Sebastian
  • Dozens of people have met on Friday afternoon at the dock ramp against privatisation. A few days ago, without prior warning, the Basque Government set up a fence in which the anger of recent years was broken.
Irutxuloko Hitza @irutxulo Xalba Ramirez @xalbaram 2022ko abuztuaren 01
Arranpla pribatizatzearen aurkako protesta. (Xalba Ramirez / Irutxuloko Hitza)

In the last two years, the government has begun to place a fence in summer, on the ramp used by the neighbours. The neighbors have been angry and say it is the “last chapter of the privatization and colonization process” of the neighborhood.

The conditions of the neighbors deteriorate enormously in summer due to “unsustainable tourism overcrowding” and feel “expelled from all places”: “There is no room for the neighbors, the neighborhood has long been made available to those who want to do the business at all costs and today, it does not seem that the institutions have any intention of correcting the damages caused”.

They consider it to be the “last ging” of the continued privatisation suffered by the pier in recent years: “The boats for tourists everywhere, they cannot bathe, do Perrita, or bathe now or in the ramp.”

“For the neighbors of the Casco Viejo this is one of the small breaths that remain in summer.” There many children, families and adults come together, to enjoy the day bath and leisure, as well as neighbors with dogs.

In the text read, the following stand out: “What disturbs us is that while we are forbidden access to neighbors, it will be open to other activities: Sailing courses, rental of jet skis, paddle surf, piragua, etc.”

It is clear to the neighbours that their right to enjoy public space has been suppressed, and the attendees are asking that the fence they have begun to place on the ramp be removed as soon as possible.