AZET Housing calls for mobilizations in solidarity with those accused of eviction of the Arrakala space
  • On 4 October, a judicial proceeding will be initiated against Segi’s occupation of the Arrakala area. The Housing Union of the Casco Viejo de Bilbao, AZET, has called mobilizations in solidarity with the accused and to denounce the police persecution suffered.
Amaia Lekunberri Ansola 2021eko urriaren 01a
Argazkia: AZET

Arrakala Auzokideon Etxea was presented on April 17 by the Housing Union of the Casco Viejo de Bilbao, AZET, at the end of the demonstration called under the motto “Housing is not business”. The space, located in the Plaza de los Hermanos Etxebarrieta, was occupied by the union with the objective of being "union headquarters, emergency housing and warehouse of the Public Warehouse ASETU". On 11 May, at 05:00 a.m., the Municipal Police of Bilbao proceeded to eviction.

On Monday, 4 October, the judicial proceedings against the occupation of Arrakala will begin, as those charged by the occupation are called to testify on that day. On 4 and 8 October, AZET announced mobilizations in solidarity with its colleagues and to denounce the police repression suffered by the occupation of Arrakala, under the motto "Defending homes, opening a gap".

A press conference was convened on 4 October at the Etxebarrieta Brothers Square at 09:30 hours. At 11:00 hours, the defendants will concentrate in front of the courts to express their support for the defendants.

On Friday, 8 October, a demonstration will be held in Moore Square. The march will depart at 18:30 hours from the Etxebarrieta Brothers Square.