A crack in the wall
  • Ten years have passed since the Civil Guard arrested Santiago Cervera Soto. Accused of blackmailing lawyer José Antonio Asiain by CAN. Cervera, leader of the PPN, was a member of the Madrid Congress. In the opinion of Anitz, what happened caused a first order crack in the Navarre Alta regime, which was named in the corralito by various agents during the transition.
Patxi Larrion Galdeano @plarrion 2022ko abenduaren 06a
Santiago Cervera Nafarroako PPko lehendakari ohia.

- Where do you walk?

I received a phone call from my friend in the Ciutadella of Barcelona. I was in the courtyard of Pompeu Fabra University.

It was Monday, December 10, 2012. Gorka, Pello, Urko and I had just interviewed Josep Fontana, who was the last to photograph in the University patio.

On the other side of the thread, I noticed a person becoming strong.

There is nothing but Urban Affairs!

On the eve, in the walls of Pamplona, in the stronghold of San Bartolomé, Santiago Cervera Soto was arrested by the Civil Guard, at that time the PPN's top representative in Navarra. The politician went to the walls to collect an envelope containing documents showing alleged irregularities committed by UPN and PSN in the management of Caja Navarra, including José Antonio Asiain.

We saw it as a film screenplay. For the eleventh time, reality surpassed fiction. The version of Santiago Cervera seemed incredible.

The word carambola was often used to explain the fact. If everything was a trap, the hook that prepared Cervera as a behavioral expert.

In December the agreement between UPN and PSN was being finalized, when the attack did not come from the political forces that denounced the decades, the attack came from the interior of the regime, the best representative of the PPN. For many, Santiago Cervera, who was on his way to be a minister, was the one who was caressing the factual forces of Nafarroa Garaia.

That carambola wanted to become a masterpiece. Defeat the Navarro PP, confusion in the judicialization of Caja Navarra and maintenance of the regime. The forage for libertism is not faithful to the City Chiefs, in this environment anybody who wants to hang out. But not the diversion.

In the spring of 2015 the judge acquitted Cervera and in the elections, due to the historic result 26-24, comes the change to the government of Navarra Garaia.

Today, ten years later, the right remains in opposition, if it is high, and although they were born to give the show, next year’s municipal and foreign elections will be held together by the most important forces on the right. Interest adds up to the right. Last weekend the PPN held the congress, in which Alberto Núñez Feijoo was a witness, Javier Esparza, Carlos García Adanero and Sergio Sayas were greeted on the palco.

Today, my friend who called me ten years ago to Barcelona, we have approached the stronghold of St. Bartholomew. Anyone who approaches the place where memory could be converted will see in the wall a slot more than a crack, and I am sure that what we took ten years ago as a spell has not become a slice. The regime remains stable and the system we have known for decades has not changed much. This last statement requires much evidence. One was offered by Josep Fontana i Lázaro on 10 December 2012. That we don't know.


Wall of the bastion of San Bartolomé de Pamplona. At the center of the photo, he went to Cervera to pick up the envelope.