A study by the UPV/EHU reveals that fish accumulate components of antidepressants, antibiotics and solar creams
  • The researcher explained that there is a need to know if there is a risk that contaminants accumulating in fish will reach humans.
Ainhoa Bretos @ob_ainhoa Hiruka .eus 2019ko apirilaren 24a
Haizea Ziarrusta (argazkia: EHU).

The researcher at the Department of Chemical Analysis at UPV/EHU Haizea Ziarrusta has shown that many medicines and components of solar creams reach the sea. These accumulate in fish and produce effects on animal metabolism. In particular, Ziarrusta has found antidepressant fish known as amitriptyline, antibiotic ciprofloxacin and ultraviolet oxybenone filter. As he explained, these actions affect plasma, the brain and the liver, which are responsible.

According to the researcher, the concentration of pollutants is worrying because "consumption is increasing and we are not able to eliminate them in the treatment plants". In addition, he explained that he does not know the degree of influence this will have on the individual level: "We need to know if there is a risk that contaminants that accumulate in fish will reach humans. The analytical approaches we develop can be used to investigate the trends of other contaminants or species, so that fundamental information can be collected for the assessment of environmental risks."

This news was posted by Hiruka and we brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.