The camp against the Aroztegi project becomes indefinite
  • The decision has been taken because of the great support that the camp that began on Saturday in Logroño is receiving. In the early morning of this Monday the machines appeared but were unable to work in the place. At noon the Civil Guard appeared, but after recording those who were in the protest, the police officers have left.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko apirilaren 19a
Guardia Zibila astelehen eguerdian azaldu da berriz ere kanpaldian. Irudia:

“We are strong, here is a protection of Christ. We have therefore decided that the camp will become indefinite,” explains Ahotsak, one of the camp’s members. It has also called on all social, political and individual actors to approach the camp and all those who have expressed their support so far.

In the morning machines, at noon Civil Guard

The machines for carrying out the works of the Aroztegi project have appeared early in the morning, but the people in camp have indicated that they have not even started the works because of the protests. At noon, the Civil Guard has approached the base camp area. Anti-project activists have starred in a sit-down in which they have chained and one of the police has left after taking pictures of the fight. When publishing this information, the situation is calm. is tracking the protest.

The Aroztegi project provides for a hotel, a golf course and 225 luxury homes in the Navarre town of Lekaroz, which has about 350 inhabitants. Since it became known, the project has given rise to many oppositions.