Aroztegia, we join the popular struggle that is preventing the beginning of the works
EHNE Nafarroa 2021eko apirilaren 16a

EHNE-Nafarroa opposes the speculative urbanization project intended to be carried out on the Lekaroz (Baztan) grounds. There, in a village of some 340 people, a luxurious hotel, a golf course and 228 new homes are being built. Our union also joins the fight being waged by the neighbours and neighbours of the Baztan Valley to prevent illegal works being launched as a result of the recent judicial decision.

It should be recalled that on 23 July 2019 the Administrative Court of Public Contracts of Navarra considered it impossible to continue the award procedure. This decision has been repeatedly violated by the project promoters, who have also decided to move forward with the rocky route. In the hope that they will come later, they have endeavoured to initiate the works, so the Foral Government should immediately paralyse these works. Even more considering that the Department of Property of Navarra, under the Prince of Viana Institution, reported against the hotel's project for non-compliance with the regulations. If that were not enough, the Baztan City Hall, at the request of the people of Lekaroz, has won a petition on the ownership of the hermitage to the promoters of this speculative initiative.

The construction of these dwellings and recreational spaces entails a significant loss of agricultural land, one of the most important sectors of the region. In this sense, the Baztan Valley will become a space of urban speculation for the enjoyment of citizenship with great purchasing power.

EHNE-Nafarroa wishes to denounce such interventions which it considers totally contrary to balanced rural development, the environment, culture, language and a certain being in the last confidence. Neither the will of the neighbours, who, through a popular vote, expressed a firm position against this project, nor that of the local authorities, has been taken into account, since the decisions taken have not been listened to, and to all of them with sincere contempt, a Sectoral Plan of Supramunicipal Incidence has been imposed. We therefore call for the annulment of this plan and the suspension of the work.

It is clear that this is not an initiative for the collective benefit of the region and Navarre, but it responds only to the speculative interests of a few people who want to get rich quickly.