Ten Aroztak activists are called to testify
  • Last Monday, the Civil Guard sent them the summons to make a statement. Two days earlier, on Saturday, hundreds of people participated in the demonstration called by the Aroztak collective against the Carpentry of Aroztegia.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko maiatzaren 19a
Larunbateko manifestazioako irudia (Argazkia: Ekinklik)

On Monday, the Civil Guard sent 10 Aroztak activists citations to testify to the police. Regarding their participation in the camp against the Aroztegia project in Lekaroz, they are accused of a crime of violence.

The camp against Aroztegia began on 8 April and was maintained for eleven days, until the works of the Aroztegia project were paralyzed. Through the resistance they achieved, on the eleventh day, that the company Palacio de Aroztegia SM pulled out the machines there. What has been achieved is an urban macro-project, aimed at building a golf course, a spa area, a hotel of 126 rooms and 228 luxury homes in the village of Lekaroz.

Faced with opposition to the project, hundreds of people joined the demonstration called by Arozta on Saturday. According to the organizers, about 2,500 people participated in the Aroztegia competition stopped, UGEP no, no impositions! Under the motto In the mobilization of Elizondo to Lekaroz. The ten members of Aroztak were summoned to testify two days after the multitudinous appearance in Bilbao.