The Delàs report concludes that armaments and climate change are related
  • The report published by the Delàs Peace Research Centre explains the relationship between the arms industry and climate change: 23 countries that produce and export 97.8% of global weapons generate 67.1% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
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Argazkia: Delàs zentruaren txostenetik hartua.

The report published by the Delàs Peace Research Center points out that global capitalism uses the armed forces to access non-renewable resources: "And if you need it, you'll use the crackdown on the resistance of communities living in those lands to the polio," he added. Year after year, States continue to increase their military capabilities, which are necessary to develop their economies in the manner indicated.

"Militarized security" worsens the environmental crisis

The report denounces that 'militarised security' supports non-democratic actors, such as transnational exploiters, large financial institutions, the military industry ... and that their goal is sustained growth and enriching the few who own them. Along the way, they destroy social and ecological balances. "The vast majority exclude the protections of the few, through what is known as 'national security'," he added. This protection is essential, because otherwise, this system that devours resources and threatens the planet could not exist."

Delàs provided the following information: The 23 countries that produce and export 97.8 per cent of the world ' s weapons account for only 35.48 per cent of the world ' s population, but these include 50 very powerful economic agents that control 63,000 transnational corporations worldwide (39.78 per cent of total transnational corporations), which account for 67.1 per cent of the world ' s greenhouse gas emissions.

Delàs has come to the conclusion that with the term "national security" and as an argument "safeguard the national interest", what is really protected is the economic interest of the elites of the large corporations and their enrichment that moves the military industry.

The European arms industry spills as much smoke as 14 million cars

The report provides the following carbon footprint data: The European Union’s military spending in 2019 generated 24.8 million tCO2, which is equivalent to the amount of carbon of 14 million cars a year.

Furthermore, it is clear that the toxic waste generated by the war pollutes soil, water and air in the long term, with consequences for the life of plants and animals.

Damage to ecosystems caused by military operations can lead to changes in ecosystems: destruction of habitats, increased disease, death of living beings and eradication of some species.

To read the full report, click here.