Even after two weeks have passed, public institutions are moving
The incinerator has polluted Arkaitzerreka this time more than when he killed hundreds of fish two years ago, analytically proven
  • Since two weeks had elapsed since Arkaitzerreka, which passes below the Zubieta incinerator, became very contaminated, no information was provided by the Gipuzkoa Waste Consortium (GHK), the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, the Basque Government or the Ura Agency. "What and how much does the Zubieta Incinerator contaminate us with? asked the members of the Anti-Incineration Movement (VAM) in the press release for information on hand contamination analysis.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko uztailaren 27a
Uztailaren 14an zuen itxura Arkaitzerrekak, erraustegiaren azpitik irtetean.

During these days, the results of the contaminated water tests collected by the City Council of Usurbil and EAM in Arkaitzerreka and sent to the laboratory have been known.

"These emergency analyses have shown, on the one hand, that the pollution discovered in Arkaitzerreka in 2022 is higher than that found in May 2020. Fish and eels were scientifically killed. On this occasion no such photograph has been observed, probably because from the stream it is “burned” without fish, but laboratory tests have shown that this time there is more pollution in Arkaitzerreka”.

In particular, the tests have found abnormal high levels in chlorides, ammonium, conductivity and COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand). In addition, the concentrations of at least three heavy metals are much higher than the maximum level that drinking water can reach: In Arkaitzerreka, copper doubles the level necessary for drinking water and in the case of nickel it doubles by four.

The EAM has denounced the progress of the Zubieta incinerator and the silence of the authorities in relation to pollutants. "When the incinerator was a mere project, what we announced from the popular movement, it is unfortunately already happening: not only is the problem of urban waste not solved, but also accidents, fires, pollution of streams, etc. they say.

They denounce that the only news received by the citizens of Gipuzkoa, including those suffering along with the incinerator, is that obtained by the volunteers of the popular movement. "The authorities, in addition to not putting measures and controls to prevent them, remain silent or whenever they can, before the health of citizens, limit themselves to protecting the interests of private companies. We citizens are in a situation of disprotection from the regime in Gipuzkoa and the CAPV. Regime, yes, because in Gipuzkoa and the CAPV it is the same people, the parties, the companies and the groups that legislate, those who have to apply the laws, those who have to pursue and not pursue the violations of the laws, and those who systematically hide from their public and private media instead of explaining all this transparently to the citizens".

For all these reasons, EAM has asked the public to be vigilant, not to fall into despair and to continue to mobilize "for our health, our health and that of our descendants, our dignified life, employment and the future".