The ARGIA complaint has had a wide media impact
  • The mining company Solway Investment Group, despite the threat from ARGIA, has refused to pay EUR 15,000 and to delete the interview to Paolina Albani. The decision has been supported by many media, institutions and actors, and dozens of messages of solidarity and support have been seen on the networks.
Aitor Gurrutxaga Muñagorri 2023ko ekainaren 21

ARGIA published on Tuesday that it will not accept the threat of the mining company Solway Investment Group and will continue to report on the subject. This decision has been widespread and many media, institutions and actors have sent messages of solidarity and support.

Several media outlets have spread the news. In Euskal Herria, the media Berria, Naiz, Arabako Alea, Gedar, Hamaika Telebista, Hala bedi, Aiaraldea, Goiena, Aiurri, Txintxarri, Txzu Zeu and Europa Press, among others.

Radio 97, the Voice, the Red Alert Radio and the Txapa radio have shown him their solidarity and support, and have demanded that he continue to work for independent journalism. Euskadi Irratia and Naiz Irratia have gathered him in information, among others. The journalist Leire Artola and the radio Euskalerria were interviewed by Naiz on the radio station. Radio Bilbao Hiria has also addressed the issue.

This has had an impact not only on the Basque Country but also on the international level. The news was published by Directo de País Catalanes and El Salto in the Spanish state. Arainfo de Aragón has expressed his “total support” and Guatemalan National Press has also reported the threat and believes it is an attempt to reduce freedom of expression.

In addition to the media, social partners and institutions have denounced the situation. Among them, the trade unions STEILAS, CNT and LAB have shown their solidarity. Also Hector, a Basque media association, has shown his support and rejected the journalistic attacks. The Olatukoop network condemns by reading the attack on information sovereignty. For them, in this case, the “colonial and extractivist” character needed by the capitalist economy stands out. It has therefore shown its readiness to implement the necessary instruments of material solidarity.