Since the ultra-right economist Javier Milei won the elections in Argentina, he warned that he would take ultra-liberal measures to deal with the country’s economic crisis. The chainsaw in the hand, the controversial character defined as “anarquocapitalist”, is clear that it will make the necessary cuts to reduce public spending: privatize public companies, reduce aid for public transport, gas, water and electricity, and paralyze reforms in health and education services.
First, more than half of the ministries the previous government had were dissolved, according to Naiz, the Ministry of Education and Health, among others. And it is clear that the direction of the other ministries will also go to the far right, in the view of the appointed ministers and officials.
He has appointed Rodolfo Barra as head of state lawyers, famous for his neonacy. He was Deputy Minister of Public Works, Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior, Judge of the Supreme Court and Minister of Justice between 1989 and 1996, until he was resigned for having published half Page/12 his participation in the attack on a synagogue. They also released some photos where the goodbye bar was being made. There was a scandal in Argentina, as the Public Media remembers, and Barra’s argument was that he was a Nazi militant in teenagers, because he wanted to be “rebellious”, but that later left those ideas behind.
The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, has been another of the designations that generated the controversy. Bullrich has been a candidate for the Together for Change coalition in the elections, but once outside the second round, Milei went on to protect the opponent and encouraged his voters to defend La Libertad Advances from Milei in front of the Union for La Patria of the peronist Massa. It was one of the keys to winning the election. Bullrich has a political trajectory in Argentina and is known for his “hard hand” and for his philosophy of “whoever pays”.
She has entrusted education to the far-right Maria Eleonora Urrutia, who will not have her own ministry. Urrutia has defended the last dictatorship by saying that “the military government made mistakes” in the context of the civil war caused by Marxist terrorism.” He criticizes the trials that have reopened after imputing crimes against humanity, saying that “what was already fixed” has been reopened by “submission”.
In addition, Milei has elected his sister Karina Milei as the general secretary of the presidency. Milei is making a list of ultraderechyas that soon take the direction of Argentina. However, it is certain that in Argentina there will be demonstrations in favour of human rights and against the new government, because those who got the abortion law will not remain silent.