Back in Argentina?
Germán Gorraiz López 2023ko abenduaren 14a

Given the political shortsightedness of the International Monetary Fund, by not applying a kit to the Argentine debt received from the neoliberal era of Macri, President Fernández began to approach Russia and China to attract essential investments to stimulate mutual trade transactions and reactivate the precarious Argentine economy.

Thus, during his visit to Putin, Fernández gave him the opportunity to be the "gateway to Latin America" and, at the meeting with Xi Jinping, confirmed Argentina's adherence to the Silk Road List and Project. This project could involve an investment of $24 billion and stop being based on the US orbit.

After the victory of Milei, we will see Argentina moving away from the countries of Brics, after entering the Pacific Alliance and vetoing Chinese investments

This provoked alarms in the Biden administration and showed concern about the growing presence of China and Russia in the country and, above all, about the possibility for China, together with Argentina, to set up a military base in Ushuaia in exchange for China’s financial aid to install a gigantic logistics centre in the province of Tierra del Fuego.

As a result, after the victory of Milei, we will see Argentina moving away from the countries of Brics, after entering the Pacific Alliance and vetoing Chinese investments, as well as installing in Ushuaia a unified U-Argentina base, to control container traffic passing through the Drake gateway. This, together with the future installation of a British pseudoscientific base, along with South Shetland Island, will ensure maritime control of the Anglo-American axis of this route, an alternative to the Panama canal.

Germán Gorraiz López, Analyst