Doka at home: Girl Coyote eta Chico Tornado
How to Fill the Empty Room with Electric Shock
  • On Friday I took the telematic leap to the Doka de Donostia-San Sebastián. Like many others, the Kafe Antzokia at Donostia-San Sebastian is offering live shows on stream, with the aim of speeding up and, as far as possible, making them enjoy. Now that the world has broken, Doka has not seen the stop as an option, and so he has decided to start preparing these direct ones. Besides on your YouTube channel, you can also enjoy the broadcasts via Hamaika Telebista.
Amets Aranguren Arrieta @ametsaranguren 2020ko maiatzaren 12a
Argazkiak: Josetxo Perez

In these performances of Doka t’artea, it was the turn of a couple of home: Girl Coyote eta Chico Tornado. Koldo and Ursula have taken the place to start the concert with the song "hautsak" (ash). It is not a concert either for musicians or for the public, but today at least musicians play from the stage (always respecting security measures) and not from the couch.

I try to put myself in the shoes of the musicians, the empty room, without a public in front… And I don’t believe them, but I already think it’s normal that I finish a song and don’t hear a applause.

Koldo has taken the floor for the first time after the presentation song and, in addition to thanking him, has shown his satisfaction because they have been playing with the amplifiers for some time. The next song is dedicated to the shaman who named them. Meanwhile, in the YouTube chat, messages follow “sua!”, “egurra!” and other messages such as Fermin Muguruza’s.

It's not easy to fill an empty room with music, even harder when there are only two people on the stage. The Donostian couple has not needed a single word to fill the virtual room, as the strength of their hard instrumental songs in few words has been enough to reach our classrooms.

We're almost 200 people immersed in the rhythm of stoner across the screen. “The perfect Friday, thank you!” says another in the chat. As in that concert, which took place a week after the confinement, the couple has appeared dressed in the same way to offer an almost private concert of 40 minutes duration, which has gathered a dozen songs at the Doka.

Koldo commented that the action is about to end, that if you want, you can make a contribution via Bizum, that whoever wants to give economic support has how to do it. And I have stopped to think if this profession is ever going to normalize and you don’t have to be asking for “help” at all times. OK ...

They have once again thanked and used to dismiss the audience (cameras, technicians...) who was in the room, offering their last song, thinking that the next one will be in “more normal” conditions, with the full room and the scenarios in front of each other. To see...

Photos: Josetxo Pérez