With responsibility and common sense
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2024ko ekainaren 17a
Ezkerreko Fronte Popularraren prentsaurrekoa, ekainaren 14an.

Macron made his press conference on 12 June to read the elections to Parliament. Above all, it has had the time to repeat that the right end and the left end are both landers exactly the same. Although he has criticised one and the other, he has opened up ideas of charm of the extremists on the right: more security and intimidation, less migration and a self-criticism of not having listened enough to the citizens’ complaint. Because he knows that in order to move on to the second round of voting and to succeed in it, the vote of those on the right will be indispensable. And if in the second lap the RN has in front, those on the left who have insulted them will give an easy argument to cut the way to the far right. As for the People's Front on the left, because it is a "shameful alliance" between "those who disagree for everything and those who cannot reach agreements": "anti-Semitism", "communitarianism", "abandonment", "anti-parliamentarism" are for Macron what the Popular Front means.

In Anarte, the left has achieved a unity that seemed unimaginable until the European election night. It is a truly difficult exercise, because their opinions and positions are strong, they are hungry for power and power along the way, they hinder. The fascist has led to the real risk of reaching power to prioritize consensus. They have been the first merciless weekend, but they have been overtaken – for the time being. On 14 June a press conference was held in the opposite side of Macronena, colorful, multitudinous and full of commitment to change: "We're going to change lives" and "we're going to replace fear with hope, we're going to replace sideration with construction." In total, some 150 measures have been agreed, including on the Palestinian and Ukrainian wars that the right hoped to benefit. They say that it is the front they want to take with the citizens, also the government, and as a sign of it has been the commitment of a Greenpeace militant and a trade union worker who has just lost his job by the closure of the company.

The profound change is that one of the three candidates for Ipar Euskal Herria belongs to the Abertzale coalition EH Bai. Peio Dufau will be the candidate for the sixth constituency and Alain Iriart will be the fifth alternate member. It is well known that on the French left also Jacobinism and the lack of real consideration of the demands of the nationalists and Vascophiles are common. Especially in Paris. That is why the choice to locate HD Bai there is especially significant. Yes, in the face of the real danger of the far right, the left behaves responsibly and sensibly, and it must be emphasised.