The ELB wants to respond jointly and severally to the consequences of the bluetongue disease of sheep
  • The ELB trade union calls for solidarity for those who have suffered the bluetongue disease of sheep. At the beginning of December, more than 650 sheep in the department have been affected. In some cases, breeders have lost dozens of sheep, especially marros. Some farms have lost 80% of the tentacles that are used for burning, so the time when it has arrived is in full activity.
Euskal Irratiak @euskalirratiak 2024ko abenduaren 13a
Euskal Irratiak

The ELB has launched a call for solidarity for the marros to be prepared among the farmers in the area. The union has shown its willingness to establish a link between those who wish to cooperate with the protest and those who wish to receive it.

In particular, the marros have been the ones who have died the most in the city’s farms. Consequently, for the granting or refusal of the aid, it must contact the OECD office before 5 January.