Non-profit Public Employment Offers to solve the problem
Ainhoa Etxaide Amorrortu 2022ko maiatzaren 05
(Argazkia: Irekia)

The Basque Government has announced new studies of the Public Job Supply of Teaching and Osakidetza. It should be news to applaud, but it cannot be understood that way. It will perpetuate the labour conflict that comes from far away and make it even more difficult to get back to the negotiating path needed to solve existing employment problems.

In Europe, there are unique levels of temporality in the public services and administrations of the CAPV, and the Government is aware that it is not possible to resolve it by eventually organising oppositions. You know that in order to talk about the employment situation in public services, in addition to stability, you have to talk about the numbers, the workload, the organisation of work and the generational change of workers. And if we are going to deal with the matter in its entirety, the government has to acknowledge that it is obliged to speak by means of subcontractors from the public budgets of the workers and services that are in an absolutely precarious situation.

There is no doubt that Public Job Vacancies are needed. But they must be in line with the objective of solving the problem and the result of the political decision to strengthen and expand public services. And let them be agreed, because, once again, it has decided them unilaterally. If public employers manage employment in this way, what will the government demand from private employers? The majority of women continue to struggle for cleaning staff in nursing homes, home services or public residences. And the government, together with other institutions, in silence. In this way, the problem cannot be solved.