The Ararteko of Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, Manu Lezertua, has asked the Basque Government to adopt measures to expedite the resolution of requests for recognition of the status of victim in accordance with Law 12/2016. D. Lezertua notes that the resolution of these requests is very slow and that applicants are excluded.
Juana Balmaseda, chairman of the Political Motivated Victims’ Law Commission, supports the petition in the Basque Parliament: “I urge the Basque Government to make every effort to ensure that recognition of victims is not extended until 2030.”
A few months ago, representatives of the Egia Zor Foundation met with Ararteko to express their “concern” about the “unequal treatment” received by torture victims with respect to other victims. Problems and delays in processing were particularly highlighted. They also noted that the 2016 Law, which aims to recognise and repair victims, has not been supplemented by the “necessary rules”. The Ombudsman reports that she has urged government officials to implement the law and is concerned about the delay in the request for recognition of victims, which directly affects the victims.