Ararteko recommends that the City of Pamplona take measures to ensure care in Basque Country
  • The Ombudsman of Navarra, Javier Eneriz, has assessed the complaint lodged by the Euskaraz Administration Group. In the Urbanism Management of the City Hall there is no plaza with an Euskera profile.
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The Urbanism Management of the City of Pamplona/Iruña attends a total of 38 workers. "Among them, there is not a single job with a bilingual profile," the group of the Basque Administration has denounced. On 31 May he filed a complaint with the Ombudsman of Navarre, and the Ombudsman of Navarre, Javier Eneriz, has forwarded the following recommendation to the City Council of Pamplona: “That in application of the provisions of the municipal ordinance regulating the use of the Basque Country, the necessary measures be taken to guarantee the right of citizens to act and receive answers in Basque, both orally and in writing, with the Management of Urbanism”.

The City of Pamplona has a period of two months to inform whether the recommendation is accepted or not.