Aralar tracks and livestock model
  • The rumour has been shaken again in the villages of Enirio-Aralar, where the access court to Saltarri is in judicial proceedings. The issue is not new: The conflict has been ongoing since, in 2016, the Foral Council of Gipuzkoa, with the approval of the Enirio-Aralar community, built a new runway between Intzentsao and Goroskintxu. The voices in favour of this court have been raised because the judge has provisionally filed the complaint lodged by the environmental groups Eguzki and Landarlan, but the case has not ended, let alone the conflict at the origin of this case.
Naturkon @naturkon 2021eko martxoaren 05

The reason this track is brought to justice is the environmental impact. Several PNV officials accuse ecologists of being ignorant strangers and enemies of farmers. A former mayor of them has also represented us as servants of Ezken Abertzalea, believing that dance is done following the melody of that political party. It is in their interests to distort reality and the effort is obvious. However, they have shown their wishes and desires clearly in the meetings that have convened the Enirio-Aralar community in Tolosa. The presumed representatives of the farmers who meet at this table want political leaders to manage the management of Aralar in their favour. For their part, the representatives of the PNV who meet at the table do not want legislation to regulate the use of Aralar pastures, let alone control those already approved.

There is the question of who or what the management of the Aralar pastures is done. The demand from ecologists and natural conservationists is clear: what we are asking is to regulate legally the management model of scientific bases and that we take care of it with the resources of the administration. The main objective of this management model should be the conservation and/or recovery of the natural heritage of the Natural Park (among others, the ecological quality of pastures).

The origin of the problem of the slopes is the livestock model. We must look at the livestock model in order to understand the attitude of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the various municipal representatives that make up the Commonwealth on this subject. It does not differ from the other public spaces, but is complemented by the prioritization of pasture management for the benefit of the private interest, without measuring environmental damage and without proposing any other use. They express their complete disregard for nature conservation, demanding that grazing be the sole responsibility of the owners of these animals, in order to feed as many livestock as possible.

The Member and these representatives do not even want to hear that being Aralar a Natural Park, the public benefit must be prioritised, that is, putting the ecological value of these pastures before the interests of the farmers, because that is in the public interest. The current situation of the Aralar grazing is largely due to animals and grazing can be habitats of Community interest if managed responsibly. There is no guarantee at present and, as far as some of those responsible are concerned, there is no intention to do so either.

There are more and more cattle in Aralar. At a time when professional pastors and livestock farmers are declining, leisure livestock farming is gaining ground in high pastures. This livestock model, however, requires infrastructure to reduce the distance between the people and the mountains, conditions for moving quickly and conveniently, increasing environmental damage.

The grazing on the mountain has drawbacks, as the amenities of the farmhouses are not usually up there. That is why compensatory measures are requested from the Administration and compliance with them is possible. But not to the detriment of biodiversity and natural heritage.

The administration should prioritise the defence of natural heritage in these opposing interests, it is a responsibility and an obligation that we have given it and that we ask it to comply with.