They present the book and leaflet to make known the Aralar Glacier Valley
  • Amezketa City Hall has set up a panoramic table on the Arritzaga Glacier Valley, in the San Martin district, and has launched a leaflet with information and geological tours. He has also put the information and the journey of Eskuorri on digital media. In addition, they have presented the book Geodibertsitatea, ezkutua memory, written by the geologist Tolosarra Asier Hilario.
Eneritz Maiz Etxarri Tolosaldeko Ataria @tolosaldeataria 2020ko ekainaren 19a
(Argazkia: Tolosaldeko Ataria)

In the presentation that has been made today in San Martín de Amezketa, we wanted to value the geodiversity of the Basque Country. Amezketa City Hall has made available to all citizens the resources it has created to show the Arritzaga Glacier Valley. In San Martín, a panoramic table has also been installed, which will be distributed in the City Hall and in the tourist offices to carry out the geological tour. You can get all the information and route through the mobile via the qr code.

The work has been done by the geologist Tolosarra Asier Hilario, and in addition, he has presented the book Geodibertsitatea, Ezkutua memory, which has been a work of two years of work. The Basque Government has made an inventory of those interested in geology in the Basque Country: "In the CAV as a whole, 150 plazas emerged, of which four are in the Arritzaga valley. Arritzaga has a hot spot in the geology of the Basque Country."

He has clarified that you can see the rocks of the Jurassic era better than anywhere else, and that at the same time you can understand what the architecture of Aralar is like. "You can see how Aralar rose below the sea." And he stressed that the Arritzaga Valley is the only glacial valley in the Basque Country.

"40,000 years ago there was glacial ice five kilometers long and 80 thick here," he said, and in the panel they have placed four keys to understanding how Aralar is, how it was formed, where so much water comes from..." In addition to Mineta's work, livestock and grazing have been very ancient trades in Aralar, as he explained.

They have also prepared a seven-point tour to get from San Martin to the source of Pardelus. At a time when the tourism of proximity is made mouth to mouth, "the Arritzaga valley is not only wonderful because of its scenic beauty, but also allows us to visit it in a different way".

The book, just taken from the Asier Hilario oven, can be purchased from the Elkar bookstores, and has been carried out within this project. "Until now, such a publication book has never been made," says the author. Many people have asked him if there is any book that can easily understand the geology of the Basque Country, so that he can understand "the mountains and the landscape differently". He stresses that this is the objective of this book: "Tell what is the history of over 400 million years behind the landscapes of Euskal Herria. How it conditions our landscape and how it conditions all other things. I mean, the ecology, the ecosystem, the services it provides us, the water it provides us, the climate, the land ... The soil conditions the vegetation or activity of the baserritars. Situation of the houses...".

He has made a book easy to read and is composed of good photographs: "The elaboration of the book has cost a lot and the hardest thing has been to summarize it and put it in plain language," said Hilario, who has acknowledged that "it is very difficult."

The City Council Tourism Councilor, Mikel Arteaga, has announced that guided tours of the Arritzaga Valley will also be organised. "We wanted to do it in June, but we want good time and it has been delayed," he said. Two tours will be organized by the geologist Asier Hilario. The first will be for citizenship, and the second exit will be open. Departure from San Martin to Pardelus. Arteaga encourages the citizens to participate and Arritzaga, whom they have always known, because "it will be very interesting to know it with Asier's explanations".

The project has been promoted by the City Hall of Amezketa, but has been subsidised by the Department of Environment, Territorial Planning and Housing of the Basque Government and executed by Asier Hilario.

The Director of Natural Heritage and Climate Change of the Basque Government, Aitor Zulueta, stressed that from the beginning it was seen that "the project was interesting". The goal, he said, is to "disseminate it to the general public" and "not just to the experts". The book that gathers the geodiversity of the Basque Country is "a book that is worth many years", said the bishop of Bilbao. Which is used to understand history, "to know where we've come from and where we're going."

It is a question of publicizing suitable places for tourism, and Zulueta is convinced that "many people will be surprised to see that the valley is made by a glacier, and there is actually a great treasure next to Txindoki".