Geroa Baiko Arakama says that the Basque decree will not bring any rupture to the Government of Navarra
  • The future foral decree regulating the use of Euskera in the public service continues to be a source of controversy in the Government of Navarra. GEROA Bai has denounced that the new decree breaches the government pact and criticised that there is no agreement.
Xabier Letona Biteri @xletona 2021eko ekainaren 09a
Arg.: Josu Santesteban

The president, María Chivite, announced this Tuesday in Peralta that among the government parties there is more consensus than discrepancies about the decree and has asked the other parties not to look only at the Basque and the public service because the government is promoting the Basque in many other areas.

Today, Geroa Bai, Podemos and Left-Ezkerra do not share the new decree, and the PSN says it respects the government agreement, because when the agreement was signed, the PSN made it clear that the new decree that was to be drawn was going to be added to the judicial decisions.

In the new decree, the Basque Country will not have validity in the public service tests, but may be English, French or German baliorik.PSNk, which maintains the political position it has maintained for years with UPN, stating that “in the non-vascophony zone” the Basque Country does not have enough presence to serve in the public service tests. As for the socio-linguistic use, it is clear that it has much more than German or French, while they are given a score.

As we have read in the Journal of News, in the mixed zone only the Basque would have value in the places of attention to citizenship and health. In the Vascophony area in all public offers, transfer contests or higher promotions.

The parliamentarian of Geroa Bai, Jabi Arakama, has said in Euskalerria Irratia that they are not satisfied with the new decree, but that we must go ahead, otherwise the rules are not in force in the Basque and Mixed area. And contrary to what Chivite said, he explained that in the government the issue has had a great deal of connection. However, he has pointed out that the tension is not for the breakdown of government to occur, since in a coalition government the parties have to give way irremediably to certain issues and in this, despite the tensions, progress has been made, especially in the mixed area.