Rioja Alavesa has new Gaztetxe: they occupy a building in Villabuena
  • The building is owned by the savings bank La Caixa. An auzolan is scheduled to be convened in the area on 17 and 18 July.
Hala Bedi @halabedi 2019ko uztailaren 09a

Rioja Alavesa has new Gaztetxe. In particular, the gaztetxe has been occupied in the town of Villabuena de Álava.

The occupied building had been empty for five years and currently had no use. According to the young people who have launched the new gaztetxe, the building is currently owned by the savings bank La Caixa. However, the building was already a warehouse.

As they have explained in a statement, the Gaztetxe in the Biscayan capital will be "a feminist, anti-razist, anti-homophobic and anti-fascist space".

For next week, auzolans have been organized to condition the building: on 17 and 18 July, in the morning and in the afternoon.

On July 19, Friday, the doors of the Gaztetxe will definitely open with a festival:

  • 10:30 | Valuation assembly.
  • 12:00 | Musical pasacalles for the town.
  • 15:00 | Food.
  • 17:30 | Festival with the txaranga Zarzaparrilla.
  • 20:00 | Act.
  • 21:30 | Concerts: Igitaia, Piztupunk, Azken Hatsa, Perlata, Türbot and RDT.