EH Bildu wins for the first time in Álava
  • EH Bildu has won two parliamentarians with regard to the 2020 elections, and the PNV has lost so much. The PSE has kept the four it had and the PP has won one. Both Vox and Sumar get one and Podemos does not get the representation.
Zigor Olabarria Oleaga @zoleaga1 2024ko apirilaren 21
Argazkia: EH Bildu Araba

“Álava is on the other hand. This change, which had already begun some time ago, now has its electoral reflex. To what extent? We will see it on April 21.” The sociologist Asier Etxenike in ARGIA closed his pre-election analysis, focusing on the competition between EH Bildu and the PNV. Well, in the light of the results it can be said that the change has materialised in a sound manner. EH Bildu has gone from six parliamentarians to eight and won elections in the territory with 44,652 votes (29.44%). The PNV has moved from nine to seven and has moved to the second position with 40,939 votes (26.99%). They have won two seats and have lost, therefore, but they have not redeemed the votes between them alone: EH Bildu has joined Mixed We and one of those who has lost the PNV has gone to the PP pocket.

The PSE-EE has obtained the same number of parliamentarians as in 2020, four, holding the third place, with 24,783 votes (16.34%). The PP has been on the verge of gaining access to this post, has grown and has grown from three to four parliamentarians. It won 24,298 votes, 16.02%. The extreme right of the show would hold or not the seat obtained in 2020 and with 5,623 votes (3.71%) will be present again in the Gasteiz Parliament. There was also a show to see if any of the two parties on the Confederal Left were going to be represented, after Jon Podemos achieved two in 2020. Sumar finally won his only seat in Álava, with 20 votes less than Vox (5,603, 3.69%). We can - Ahal Dugu - Alianza Verde, as in Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia in Álava (3,644 votes, 2.40%).

In votes (almost) all above, but not in percentage

EH Bildu has had a huge increase in votes, from 30.886 to 44.652. Also high, but not so high: from 24.65% to 29.44%, almost five points. In any event, more attention should be paid to percentages than to votes in the analysis of developments, as participation has increased considerably in 2020, in the context of the pandemic, after the lowest turnout at all times. The PNV has also risen in its votes, but very little, 937 (from 40.001 to 40.939). As a percentage, it has lost almost five points, with 31.93% of the votes in 2020, 26.99%.

The PSE-EE went from 19,414 to 24,783 votes, but the voting difference did not reach the one-point percentage increase (from 15.50% to 16.34%). The increase in PP has been more marked in both votes and percentage, from 14.287 to 24.298 and from 11.40 to 16.02%. Vox is growing in votes (from 4,722 to 5,603), but falling in percentage (from 3.77 to 3.69%). As for the confederal left, in 2020 there was a single party, which on this occasion was divided into two, and as expected it was to the detriment of both. In 2020, Jon Podemos won 10,054 votes (8.03%) from two parliamentarians. In 2024, Sumar and Podemos won 9,247 votes, representing a decrease from 8.03% to 6.09%. It is the only political space that drops in votes.

Participation returns to pre-pandemic parameters

The CAPV’s autonomous elections in 2020 were by far the least turnout in history, due, among other things, to the pandemic context. 50.31% of the voting population approached the ballot box. In the study at that time, we note that, taking into account the population of Treviño and the non-voting Alavesa population, less than half of the older population voted. In 2024 participation has approached data prior to the pandemic. But then the data reflected a downward trend: participation of 65.07% in 2009, 63.59% in 2012, 59.74% in 2016. In these last elections, however, participation has increased slightly compared to 2016, by 61.11%.