In Álava, the PNV wins, EH Bildu goes up, Vox to the parliament and participation in the ICU
  • The PNV, EH Bildu, the PSE and Vox have won one seat each, while pp and Podemos have lost two each. The only formations that have gone up at the polls have been EH Bildu and Vox, while EH Bildu and pp have voted. The turnout in these elections has been 50.31% of the citizens who have the right to vote.
Z. Oleaga @zoleaga1 2020ko uztailaren 12a

The PNV has once again won the elections to the Basque Parliament in Álava. The PNV will win one seat and will have nine seats in the next legislature, after receiving 40,002 votes from the Alaveses (32.22%). EH Bildu has moved from a third force to a second force, with 30,886 votes (24.88%). It has won one seat and it has been done with six. The third most voted party was the PSE, which obtained 19,414 votes (15.63%) and was made with the only seat in the territory of the CAV. Vox is the last game to win a seat. For the first time, the extreme right will be represented in the Basque Parliament with the only seat it has won in Álava, with 4,722 votes (3.80%).

The pp, Citizens and Podemos have been stranded on the first day of the European League. Pp has gone from being the second most voted party in 2016 to the fourth, and from five to three seats in coalition with Citizens. Along the way, it has left 18,000 votes, more than half, after receiving 14,287 votes (11.50 per cent of the total). We can, for its part, lose 14,000 votes and two seats in Álava. A total of 10,054 Alaveses supported the party of Pablo Iglesias, which obtained 8.09% of the votes.

All losers in voting except EH Bildu and Vox

In addition to seats and percentages, the number of votes is also palpable. Compared to the 2016 elections, PNV and PSE have won a seat in the Basque regional elections, although they have dropped in votes. The PNV has won four percentage points in votes, but lost 2,325 votes (from 42,327 to 40,002). The PSE gained 2.64 percentage points, losing 75 votes (from 19,489 to 19,414).

The only formations that have risen in seats, percentage and votes have been EH Bildu and Vox. The Abertzale force received 3,886 votes more than in 2016 (from 26,899 to 30,886), and in percentage it increased from 17.93% to 24.88%. Vox has been the highest in votes: The 771 protections of 2016 have become 4,722 by 2020, of which 3,822 have become Vitoria-Gasteiz. The party led by Alavés Santiago Abascal has exceeded its three tenths barrier, from 0.51 to 3.80 points.

Less than half of the voters voted at the ballot box

The fall in participation explains the unusual relationship between seats, percentages and figures earned or lost. Participation has decreased by 10.78 per cent. 50.31 per cent of Alaveses with voting rights have approached the ballot box, i.e. 49.69 per cent of those with voting rights have not. If the latter are joined by migrants with papers but without the right to vote, the migrants without papers and the citizens of Treviño, they are for a long time the elderly Alaveses who have not participated in the general elections of the CAV.