Workers in Álava homes will strike on 17 October
  • This is a strike called by the ELA and LAB unions, who will claim "the first provincial convention" for this year. The workers have been calling for “decent conditions” for four years and since they began to meet in June “no progress has been made”.
Julene Flamarique 2024ko urriaren 09a
Lehen lan-hitzarmen probintziala eskatzeko eginiko manifestazioa ELA

Workers in private and community homes in Álava have been calling for “decent working conditions” for four years. The trade unions reactivated the negotiating table in June and called for the strike on October 17, LAB and ELA, because "no steps have been taken". On this occasion, the “first provincial convention” will be claimed. In Vitoria-Gasteiz they will concentrate on the Plaza de la Provincia and at 18:00 hours they will make a demonstration in the Ría, leaving the Plaza de los Desamparados.

Since the negotiation was reactivated, there has been no “place for negotiation”, and the only offer of the owner is that of the day and salary. “It’s not enough, because talking only about working hours and wages would perpetuate precariousness in the sector,” LAB explained. “We are talking about the pay of the minimum wage, the excessive bias, the working day of 1,784 hours a year, the excessive ratios, the users to whom each worker is subject and the lack of prevention of occupational health.”

On the other hand, the workers have demanded that the administration be involved, “especially the Council of Álava”. The care sector “is in a situation of pure precariousness”, while those responsible for social policies “look elsewhere”.

Mistreatment and shortage of workers

Two weeks ago, Zaintza Araba denounced that it is “mistreatment” of the elderly. They denounced that residents are in "inadequate conditions" and that they have been described as "very serious" situation. Eh Bildu has received in the General Boards of Álava a set of initiatives to “improve the living conditions” of the residents. The Abertzale coalition has pointed out that residents have denounced the "shortage of workers". Faced with this, EH Bildu has tabled a motion calling for inspections and has urged the Basque Government to "rethink the entire surveillance model of Álava".