La Montaña Alavesa denounces the application of the Mordaza Law to Askeri
  • On 29 October 2024, a trial took place for the fine received in February 2022 by a member of the Mendia Libre de Álava group. The judge has sentenced him to pay a fine under the Moorish Law against him. They were walking through the Iturrieta Mountains, preparing to organize the first mountain march, when they were identified by the Ertzaintza. As Montaña Alavesa Askek has denounced, the Moorish Law is "a law against political freedoms and rights, an instrument for pursuing militancy." It aims to economically stifle political and social movements". Those who are organizing in defense of the land are becoming more and more, and have said that they will move forward "forcefully".
Estitxu Eizagirre @eeizagirre 2025eko urtarrilaren 22a
Mozal Legeaz jaso duen isuna salatzeko Arabako Mendiak Askek elkarretaratzea egin zuen auzitegi aurrean.

Mendia has described as a "repressive blow" the punishment imposed on one of its members, "not as a random penalty", which has been condemned by the Council of Álava. But he has announced that they will go ahead: "At a time when more and more macro-projects are being launched, it is very important that they are organised to deal with what is coming. We will not allow the destruction of ecosystems, the worsening of the living conditions of the population, or the disappearance of endangered species. We're not going to tolerate this system that we have to gain nothing."

They say it is time to "claim that it is possible to build another system, where needs, such as access to energy use, are organised in the face of everyone's needs, and not just the interests of the few, so that they continue to grow rich."

In reference to other movements suffering repression in the defense of the land, Askek has shown his "total solidarity" with those of Aroztegia and has called to organize itself in defense of the land.

To find out the context in which Montaña Alavesa imposed a fine on the member of Askea, you can access the news we published.