Montaña Alavesa will bring to trial on 29 October the fine Askek has received by Mordaza Law
  • In 2021, the Ertzaintza identified a member of Iturrieta’s first mountain march and fined him by the Moorish Law. Mendia has denounced "the police assembly" and claimed: "The defense of land and territory is not a crime," he added. Euskal Herria Bizirik and Arabako Mendia Askek have called to concentrate on October 29 at 9:30 a.m. before the Donostia-San Sebastián courts.
Estitxu Eizagirre @eeizagirre 2024ko urriaren 28a
Urriaren 20an Arabako Mendiak Askek Iturrietako Mendietan egindako mendi martxaren momentu bat. Eskuetan dituzten afixa horiekin dei egin zuten urriaren 26an Gasteizen egin berri den "Megaproiektuen aurka"-ko manifestaziorako.

On July 2, 2021, five members of the Free Mountains of Álava were in the Iturrieta Mountains, where they were preparing for the first mountain march. According to reports, agents from the Ertzaintza came and identified one of the organizers of the march, who presented several contusions.

At the end of February 2022, that identified member received a communication from the Department of Security of the Basque Government notifying him of the opening of a dossier of penalties for violation of Article 35.6 of the Mordaza Law. The agents of the Ertzaintza accuse him of an infringement when they asked the organization to identify "without heeding his absence and left without providing details of his identity card". The Moorish Law was sanctioned with 650 euros by the Department of Security of the Basque Government.

Montaña Alavesa goes to court to denounce the "police assembly" and "continue fighting for the defense of natural spaces"

Mendia has considered this event as "a police assembly", denounced it "has political content" and presented a series of administrative resources "to deal with this abuse". The citizenship who received the fine on behalf of Aske has informed ARGIA of the following: "The Morbid Law is enforced without trial and we have come to the court to say that we do not agree, to report that we do not agree," he added.

The Alavesa Mountain, according to Aske on social networks, "by customizing fines without a criminal basis, they seek to weaken the fight for the defense of the territory. We denounce these police assemblies and we are committed to continuing to fight to defend the natural and rural spaces that link us to life. Land defense and land defense are not crimes." They call for the repeal of the Moorish Law.

Euskal Herria Bizirik shows solidarity with the one condemned by the Moorish law

Mendia Aske is a member of the EH Bizirik network, among many other groups. EH Bildu denounces the following: "The Moorish Law allows for police mounts like our partner's. With the word of a police officer alone, and without the need to provide any evidence, they can punish anyone, regardless of the truthfulness of the facts. Every right of defence is nothing, you will pay first and then, if you want, you will have the right to defend yourself! The Moorish Law is one of the fundamental pillars of a policy that seeks to stifle and economically exhaust social and economic movements. It is therefore necessary to repeal this Law in its entirety".

Here you can read in full the declaration of solidarity of EH Bildu.

Here you can read the article written by Josebe Blanco citing the judgment of 29 October.