Several citizens' movements organize a demonstration against Álava's macro-projects
  • Arabako Mendia Aske, AHTrik ez Araba, Movement for a Sustainable Food and this Arratzua-Ubarrundia project no! movements Araba Bizirik! Last week a manifesto was presented acknowledging its innocence. They have also called for the planned projects in Álava to be halted and for another energy and spatial planning model to be put in place.
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The four movements have coincided in pointing out that Álava has suffered in recent years "numerous attacks" and have highlighted "four". Firstly, the wind power plants planned in mountain areas “in which the richest ecosystems and biodiversity are maintained”: secondly, the giant photovoltaic parks “which put at risk the continuity of their agricultural and livestock activities”; thirdly, the increase in industrial agriculture “contravening all efforts made in the consumption of local products and non-intensive production”; lastly, the TAV, which provides for the parallel natural network.

Risks and false arguments

At a press conference, the movements denounced that all these projects present “many and many risks”. They consider that it would alter life in rural areas and, in particular, damage the “sustainable” agricultural and livestock model based on small farms. They have also denounced that they affect the political backbone of Álava, as it would involve, among other things, the loss of sovereignty of peoples and councils, as well as the public property of the mountains. Projects would affect particularly rich natural areas and damage would be “irrecoverable”.

The signatories of the manifesto have placed public institutions and large companies at the centre of their criticism. They have denounced that they offer "misleading" arguments to defend the supposed benefits of the projects when it is actually a matter of obtaining "large sums of public money and European aid included in the Next Generation EU programme".

Suspension of projects

That is why the four movements have joined the call and have made a number of requests. Firstly, they have called for paralysing the projects currently planned, “and developing Sectoral Territorial Plans based on the protection and real respect of biodiversity”. In this regard, they have also called for a ban on the establishment of power plants in mountain and agricultural areas, “as clearly indicated in the Spatial Planning Guidelines (DOT)”. As for the way of organizing the territory, it is intended to respect and strengthen the sovereignty of peoples and councils. They have been in favour of developing another energy model, but not as it is being done: “An energy model based on expanded production that promotes decarbonisation and the development of renewable, social and bio-friendly energies.”

On the 23rd, demonstration

In defense of these claims a demonstration has been organized in Arabako Mendia Aske, AHTrik ez Araba, Movement for a Sustainable Food and Arratzua-Ubarrundia ez! the movements call on the public to attend: “The city needs a rural and natural environment that is now at risk. We join forces in their defense.”