The semi-finals of the first phase of the Interquadrillas de Álava
  • The semi-finals have been decided upon after the end of the 3 sessions of the 4th weekend of Intercuadrillas. Phoemian Rhapsody (Salvatierra) and BertsoLARRIAK (Mendialdea) tied in the second day and the Katuak groups of Muino Resurrection (Gasteiz) and Izenbakue (Aramaio) were the winners of the performances. @bertsozale 2020ko otsailaren 17a

Twelve sessions of the Interquadrillada 1.fasean have been disputed. Of the 12 participating teams, 6 have been ranked to the semi-finals: the winners of each league and two teams in order of scores:

Winning team league A: Sumendiola filled boats

Winning team league B: Gladiodours of Kakiturri

Winning team league D: Cabras de la Llanada

Winning team of the League e: The Earl's Forest Hairs

By order of punctuation, group 1: Surnames

By order of punctuation, group 2: Burxala

Thus the three semi-finals of the First Division Manomanist have been completed:

Saturday 29 February in Zabalarte de Salvatierra: VS Gladiolores de Kakiturri (Vitoria-Gasteiz)

Saturday, March 7 in Sastiña de Aramaio: Cabras de la Llanada (Zalduondo) VS Izenbakuek (Aramaio)

March 14, Saturday, at the Casa de Cultura de Amurrio: Los cabellos del bosque del Conde (Aramaio) VS Errexala (Vitoria)

In the link of you have the chronicles of each session.