The Bertsolaris Championship of Álava starts on 1 April
  • 15. This year the bertsolaris championship will be held, with a total of 30 bertsolaris participating. The final will be played on June 11 in Vitoria-Gasteiz.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko martxoaren 22a
Arabako Bertsolari Txapelketaren aurkezpena martxoaren 19an egin zuten, Laudioko Aiaraldea Ekintzen Faktorian. Aiaraldeko bertso eskolak 40 urteko ibilbidea du eta aurten Ekintzen Faktorian bertso eskola sortu dute.

On April 1, the Bertsolaris Championship of Álava starts at the Casa de Cultura de Amurrio. This year’s championship will consist of five eighth finals, three quarter finals, two semifinals and one final, the previous one disputed in 2019.

30 Alavese bertsolaris will participate in this year’s edition, the 5 finalists who have signed up for the final of the Bertsolaris Championship in Álava and the 25 bertsolaris who have signed up for the final.

Sessions and final

The eighth finals will be heard in the following locations: Amurrio, Laguardia, Treviño, Legutiano and Nanclares de la Oca. As for the final, the quarterfinals will be played in Alegria-Dulantzi, Zigoitia and Aramaio. Finally, the semi-finals will be held in the towns of Araia and Izarra.

The final will be held on 11 June and for the first time in the María de Maeztu Auditorium of the European Congress House of Vitoria-Gasteiz.

The Bertsolaris Championship of Álava can be followed on this website of the Bertsolaris Association.