Workers from the private homes of the elderly in Álava go back to strike
  • The negotiation of the Collective Agreement has been suspended since February 2021. ELA and LAB then decided to get out of the negotiating table, arguing that the employers refused to modify any article on the platform. Among other things, the unions did not accept the salary proposal made by the employers: 1,200 euros in 2026, with a cumulative burden of 16% of the CPI in the last two years and with days of 1,742 hours.
Hala Bedi @halabedi 2022ko irailaren 26a
Argazkia: Hala Bedi

The Provincial Council of Álava then met with the two parties and the companies took the tablet to draft a new proposal ‘as soon as possible’. The workers' representatives say, however, that they have not taken it up and that the employers have shown a ‘passive attitude’.

To obtain the first agreement, the workers of the private residences of Álava took three years protesting every Wednesday, and in this negotiation they have also made strikes ahead.

Thus, the unions ELA and LAB have called for a new day of strike for Wednesday, September 28. In addition, they say that the days of dynamics, mobilization and strike will be extended in the coming months if no progress is made.

They also reaffirm the demand that care be provided in decent conditions: ‘It is enough to set aside the most precarious workers in the labour sector and it is enough to underestimate the conditions of the workers who care for our elderly. It is time for our colleagues to truly value the essential care they provide, and not by applause or facial recognition to the gallery, but by definitely dignifying the deficient conditions for the care of our elderly".