Araba Basque populated in Arganzon
  • In charge of organising the 38th edition of the Araba Euskaraz festival is the Argantzon ikastola and this year’s motto has been Eager. Special emphasis has been placed on learning Spanish in Treviño.
Nahia Ibarzabal @NahiaIbarzabal 2018ko ekainaren 18a
Araba euskaraz Argantzonen

Sunday has been a full day party and thousands of people have gathered at the party for the schools, the organizers are happy with the reception of this edition, they say it has been a “round day”.

The Minister of Education of the Government, Cristina Uriarte, who has been in Arganzon, highlighted the work carried out by the local school for having crossed “political and geographical borders”. “You don’t have to stay in this, you have to use it in people’s day-to-day lives,” he says.

It opened in 2003 and currently has 50 students. It is located in Burgos, “that is why a day like today is very important for us” said the organizers.

To carry out the Primary Education, students must go to Manzanos (Álava), because in Burgos it is impossible to provide this cycle, but they have confirmed that in two years they will be able to build a new building.

These photos have been published by Alava Alea and we have brought them to LUZ thanks to the license CC-by-sa.