On October 18, the last sparks of the Araba Euskaraz 2020 in Amurrio will be ignited with a special initiative. In fact, the Ahotsenea space of the Durango Fair will be in charge of launching its roots in four corners of the Basque Country, among which is Amurrio.
Next weekend will be the last of the dynamics organized by the Ikastola Aresketa under the slogan "Darabagu". But not anyway. Throughout the year they have been immersed in the ecosystem of culture, education and the Basque Country, and they will end this new edition with a "fiesta".
On Saturday, local creators, protagonists
The appointment will be at the Teatro Amurrio, on 17 and 18 October. On Saturday there will be a performance by several creators who have participated in the song and video of the Araba Euskaraz: In particular, Sabin Guaresti, Aiala Mendieta and Bad Sound.
The concert will start at 18:30 hours in the Antzokia Amurrio and, as confirmed by the members of the Ikastola Aresketa, the performances will be 20-30 minutes. In the group change intervals, the programme will be starred by Bertsolaris women, with the bertso eskolas of the area and with Ane Labaka Mayoz and Oihana Bartra Arenas.
18 October, all-day festival
Sunday will be the turn of the Ahotsenea project, which will wear the stage of Amurrio where the work will take place. In collaboration with the Araba Euskaraz, presentations of 8 music groups will be held. The first concert will be at 11:00 hours, and the morning txanpa will be extended until 14:00 hours. In the afternoon, however, the programme will be extended from 16:00 to 20:00 in the afternoon.
Tickets for Amurrio Antzokia events www.arabaeuskaraz.eus must be reserved on the web and the mask will be obligatory
The pandemic caused by COVID-19, however, will require compliance with health and safety measures. That is why the capacity will be limited. Cards www.arabaeuskaraz.eus must be reserved on the web and each person will have a chair for the whole day. In order to ensure the safety distance, the representation may be rotated. In this sense, the use of masks will be mandatory and once inside the room it will not be possible to lift it from the chair until the end of the session.
The groups to be attended are as follows: Kyxo, Otuz, Deiedra, La Rekba, Hook, Basaki, Sorkari and Perlata participate in the Arriaga Theatre in Bilbao. Aiaraldea Irratia will offer the live broadcast on the website of the Radio Euskadi thanks to the streaming of the website of the Araba Euskaraz.
Although the coronavirus has significantly influenced its initial purpose, in recent months the members of Aresketa Ikastola have developed numerous activities. For example, they've created the storyline chain "Once upon a time Darabagun ...".